Hello folks!!! Well I am really trying to get into this blogging thing, it's new for me so I have a hard time remembering to update it and I apologize to all of you who look forward to hearing from me :) So here are some of my newest events, I recently just got back from Nashville, TN "YA'LL" with my older sister and her boyfriend and my cousin... we went down to visit my younger sister Sarah and just hang out! It was such a good time, I had originally planned to take advantage of Nashville's beautiful scenery and rustic atmosphere and do a photo shoot, but scheduling with the models ended up not working out as well as I had planned to make a long story short... so I didn't get to do any fashion shoot at all, I was really bummed but after much debating with God, He just told me to trust in Him and that His timing is PERFECT!!! So as hard as it is for someone with a creative vision and the means to make that creative vision come to life, then put that on lay away for the time being is a very difficult thing to do! I just have to keep praying that God will bring things to pass :)
Other than that, the trip went very well, Sarah took us to this place called Las Paletas, which sells the best popsicles you will ever have, I highly recommend that if you are in Nashville, TN you should go and try some. Along with eating a popsicle once every day, literally, we did a whole bunch of other stuff, we went to Centennial Park, went out to eat at a bunch of different and tasty southern restaurants, and we went LINE DANCING!!! hahaha now I'm southern!
Now on to the 4TH OF JULY!!! Very interesting experience the 4th of July in the SOUTH, let me tell you, not the same as up here at all!!! We went to Downtown Nashville to see the fireworks and that city gets so CROWDED, ridiculously CROWDED!! I can't remember a time where we weren't shoulder to shoulder with people being herded into one direction, life cattle... ANYWHO!!! We went down to the Cumberland River to watch the Nashville Symphony Orchestra play on a boat and the fireworks shot off behind them!! It was really cool, and it is said that Nashville has the 3rd best fireworks display in the country next to New York and Washington DC and you know what... THEY ARE RIGHT!!! Overall, the trip as a whole was good, and a God really just showed me alot!!!
Well folks, I'll be adding another one, shortly!!! Take care everyone and God bless!!!