What happens when a man falls in love with a woman half way across the world? You get the work of God bringing my two friends Zach & Lindsey together in Holy matrimony ;) Zach and I grew up together in the same church, since the 6th grade; we go way back. One of the most inescapable topics among guys is, "So how's it going with the ladies?" Come on guys, I know I'm not alone on this one. Anyways, that would be a frequent topic between the two of us. But for some reason the answer was usually... "Eh well it's alright, nothing really." Every now and then I'd hear a story or two about a girl that caught his attention, but once I saw, on the ever official "Facebook... Zach
is in a relationship with Lindsey" ;) I thought to myself "hmmm" this could be serious?"
So, the next time Zach and I got in touch, the question was asked; "So, how's it going with the ladies?" He says, "I'm engaged..." I thought, "HAA I knew it!" And let me just say the moment I met Lindsey, I knew Zach had heard for the last time, "So how's it going with the ladies?" ;) Congratulations Zach & Lindsey! :D

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