Most people would have packed up while the thick clouds rolled in blanketing the sky and subtle rain drops began to hasten; all I thought was; a photographer's nightmare. But then I looked at the couple in front of me as we were driving in the car, they were giggling over some funny comment and my heart couldn't help but smile. I asked, "Is it alright to say a prayer?" While I looked at that deep grey sky, they replied, "Absolutely." "God I pray that whatever you have planned for this day, let me be able to capture the love these two have for one another, Amen."... and don't let my equipment get wet. ;) One of the most fun couples I have ever had the privilege of working with. Their wonderful personalities, easy going spirits, and the beautiful love that they have for God and each other made this such a special engagement session for me! I'm honored to have the opportunity to call them my clients and my friends.
A few months ago on a Chicago night similar to this, in a beautiful church courtyard, this man decided he wanted happiness and to love this woman for the rest of his life. Lowering to the ground on a single knee, decorative lights came to life around the fountain as he pulled the ring from his pocket. Her eyes glimmered with happiness as she looked into his and he asked, "Crystal, will you marry me?" She said...
..."YES David, I will..."

"Oh my gosh, look at this bus! Quick, fashion pose!" Talk about funny timing ;)
These are absolutely amazing!!!!! Good thing it was husband says, "no rain, no rainbows". You certainly captured the love between this couple and all the elements fit in just right!
Sweet images Steven. I really dig the last handful with the umbrella at Navy Pier. Those images are very cinematic. Rock it out dude!
Love this session Steven! Aren't you having fun with the new blog it boards? ;) I love the motion shot and the one with umbrella at Navy Pier. BANANAS! :)
Okay those were some freakin' amazing photos!!!! They look like a they were a really fun couple to photograph and the setting was awesome. I loooovvvvveee the photo of them sitting on the steps.
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